In 2011, after eighty plus years, the Burlington City Council voted to discontinue funding the Burlington Municipal Band. The city continues to support us by allowing us to rehearse in Memorial Auditorium, housing our music library there and, of course, maintaining the bandshell and the beautiful surroundings of Crapo Park. We are very grateful for these things. The band has also received support in recent years from the Burlington Fine Arts League which has provided funds for the purchase of music, some percussion equipment and our PA system. But the regular expenses of maintaining the band are now supported entirely through private donations.
The Burlington Municipal Band Foundation has now been chartered to manage these donations. It is a non-profit organization with 501 (C) (3) status. Donations to the Foundation are therefore tax deductible and all monies collected are used directly for the support and continuation of the Burlington Municipal Band.
Thank you for supporting the Burlington Municipal Band and its legacy of free, family-friendly entertainment for Burlington and the surrounding area.
Gift checks can be mailed to this address as well. Checks should be made out to the Burlington Municipal Band Foundation. A receipt acknowledging your gift for tax purposes will, of course, be sent to each donor.
At the time this is being written in May of 2012, the Foundation has enough funds for the band to continue for about four years counting this season’s concerts. This is due primarily to a $40,000 gift from one extremely generous anonymous donor. But the long-term continuation of the band is by no means assured.
We also suggest that you consider making a memorial or honorary gift. You can make a gift supporting the Burlington Municipal Band in memory or honor of a relative, a friend or someone who has had an important role in your life. Making an honorary or memorial gift is a generous and thoughtful way to recognize a person's life and accomplishments.
If you believe that keeping the Burlington Municipal Band alive and well is important for our community, we ask that you consider making a financial gift to the Burlington Municipal Band Foundation. Making a gift on an annual basis would be of great assistance as such a gift would better enable us to plan for the future. But, you can be sure a one-time gift in any amount will be greatly appreciated.
When you make an honorary or memorial gift, the Burlington Municipal Band Foundation will (if requested) notify the honoree or next of kin, and will (with your permission) gratefully acknowledge the gift on our website and/or at a concert.
Honorary or memorial gifts can be made by contacting us online or by writing to: